Retreat Sleep Aid Supporter

Healthy Gut Supporter

Retreat skin care supporter

Healthy Drinking Supporter

About Us

Annameka Andrade Hatha Yoga Teacher & Workshop Facilitator, guides in transformational thinking and self appreciation.

‘This retreat will create a foundation for self-enquiry so individuals can begin their own self-appreciation journey and achieve those profound silent personal victories as they discover, again and again, the art of falling in love with you”.

“We are dedicated to creating a rejuvenating and renewing environment for all our guests,  whether you are about to close the biggest deal of your career or just about to say I do, for the first or fifth time, this is a place to refocus and renew. A safe space for ladies going through  life’s transitions which requires a deeper level of self care. Or those who just love to love from the inside “

Cécile Blazquez
Yoga and Self Love❤ Hari Ôm 🙏
How the practice of yoga reconnects you to your Heart and the powerful feeling of love for yourself… This Re-connection to oneself passes through acceptance and letting go, through the notion of Ahimsa or non-violence, a major notion in the practice of Yoga cited in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali (sacred text of India dating from 400 years BC!) “Ahimsā-satya-asteya-bramacharya-aparigraha yamāh” YSP Ahimsa is acceptance, tolerance and the feeling of love towards ourselves! Yoga, through postures, awareness of breathing, meditation, leads us towards greater self-esteem, self-confidence, self-acceptance. We will welcome the postures with gentleness and presence while recognizing its limits and its value. “Sthira Shukam Asanam”YSP “A firm posture in a happy space” Self Love in Yoga is to re-know your divine spark located in the space of the Heart “Hridayha”, it is to re-know our full potential in the service of ourselves and in the service of those around us. It is self-acceptance, loving yourself as you are, that is to say a divine spark, it is reconnecting with your true nature which is Joy and Grace!
Jay Jay Maa!
Cécile, Hatha and Mantra Yoga teacher